Because a home is only the beginning for sustained health and success.
Supportive housing integrates long-term affordable housing options with wrap-around services for families and individuals experiencing homelessness, as well as people with other barriers to health and stability. Our housing solutions are paired with programs and services that utilize evidence-based models and practices proving most effective in resolving homelessness.
Many people exiting homelessness are working to overcome challenges with their mental and physical health. Studies have shown that supportive housing increases the likelihood of success for people exiting homelessness, ensures stability, and aids in the improvement of overall mental and physical health. Supportive services also reduce the financial impact on communities providing homelessness crisis response services.
We empower families and individuals exiting homelessness by providing the resources and tools they need to create long-term stability. Our program participants work with dedicated case managers who help them set goals and work towards self-sufficiency.
Families in Transition manages more than eighty permanent supportive housing units and works with another twenty-five households in alternative housing around the state to prevent the reoccurrence of homelessness. Strong support networks are key for members of the community to ensure success and lasting results.